We Are Here, Just For You!


Self-publishing picture

This service is based on a contribution, to be paid by the author, to cover production and printing of the work. If publishing a bestseller is something you want to do, and you’re serious about changing your life and your business for the better by getting your book out there in the world, then you need to contact Glitz Publishers.

We follow a tailor-made process designed for self-publishing authors:
1. Copy Editing-R135 / 1000 Words: When you’re ready to self-publish, the first step is copy editing. This involves detailed line editing of your book to correct errors and ready the manuscript for layout. Light editing is for well-written work that still needs a comprehensive proofread and final check. It includes  proofing  for  spelling  mistakes,  typing  errors,  punctuation  issues,  minor  editing,  general  flow and  readability.

Full editing covers everything under light editing, as well as a complete review of the entire manuscript. During this process we will leave relevant notes, comments and queries related to your work in the margin for you to review, after completing this editing process. 

2. Cover Design-R950: Afterwards, we focus on designing your book cover. This can also be the first step of the process. For the front cover you will need to provide the title, author name and images (if applicable). For the back cover you will need to provide a short description of your book, author photo and  biography. We will send you a proof of your cover and allow one set of corrections, after the cover designer makes these corrected changes you will get your approved cover as a Pdf.

3. Page layout and Typesetting-R2250: Your book’s pages are designed and the text is laid out. For books with a simple layout, we use the Microsoft Word & Adobe InDesign for complex layout. There are many aspects to Interior design: fonts, spacing, the styling of chapter headings, margins, etc. Our team of experienced designers will control these elements to create a comfortable and enjoyable reading experience for your book. 

4. Proofreading-R15/Page: Once the pages have been laid out, the next step is proofreading. This involves a last, meticulous check for errors remaining after copy editing. It also focuses on catching any formatting errors made during layout. 

5. Book Printing: After your book has been proofread, we now move to the final stage which is printing. We assist our clients with printing services at an additional cost.
Print facilitation of books prepared by us: Free
Print facilitation of books prepared by you: R1250 

6. Book Marketing 
We run paid or sponsored Ads on Glitz’s Social media platforms, and advertise your book on our website for free. For us to start marketing your book, send us your book poster, a blurb, and a brief biography.

Marketing Tips for Your Book
Authors are encouraged to have different strategies for marketing their books. Facebook is arguably the best advertising platform for authors. It allows you to target very specific categories of people: fans of other writers, precise demographics (age, employer, work title, etc.) or even locations.
It might seem backwards, but you should start your book marketing process before your book is even edited (it’s that important).

The most effective way to market your book is to create a launch page where you can collect email addresses for those who might be interested in reading your book, and build your launch team. Then, send people over to that page using social media. Post about your upcoming book, post about the process you’re going through to write your book. Ask friends and family if they’d be interested in helping you promote. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to help make your book a success! Tell people to visit your page and enter their email address to learn how to get your book for free or at a steep discount. Then, a few weeks before your launch, start reaching out to influential bloggers and podcasters in your market. If you think their audience would be interested in the topic, offer a free copy of your book, and ask them if they’d like to review your book or interview you.

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